Dishes of Rotheram
10 domestic cooks of Pakistani, Sudanese, Guinean, Yemeni, Czech, Ukrainian, Malay and British heritage, from Rotherham UK, cooked new dishes inspired by and served on items made by the Rockingham Pottery, Rotherham between 1820 and 1845, in the collection at Clifton Park Museum, Rotherham.
Clifton Park Museum
Rotherham MBC
Sally Robinson
David Sanchez
A National Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England-funded project, totalling £74k, bringing together Rotherham's Clifton Park Museum, 10 domestic Rotherham cooks of Pakistani, Sudanese, Guinean, Yemeni, Czech, Ukrainian, Malay and British heritage with items made by the Rockingham Pottery, Rotherham between 1820 and 1845, in the Museum collection. PI Simon Grennan (Chester) with curatorial and conservation staff at Clifton Park Museum, a food photographer and film maker and 10 domestic cooks. Outputting a public exhibition, publication, film and public events programme.