My research explores photographic culture in the context of the internet, digital technology and social media. I am interested in how digital technologies shape our ways of seeing, interpreting and communicating in art, social and cultural contexts.
My research investigates the culture of photography, in particular its technological developments and everyday use. In this context I repurpose old photographic media and technologies and explore the conventions of amateur photography through working with vernacular archives. My practice is grounded in process, ‘not-knowing’, embodiment and the everyday and I work in an expanded field of lens based media, incorporating assemblage, print, performance and drawing.
From 2013-2015 I was Lead Researcher on Show and Tell, a Digital R&D Fund for the Arts research project funded by Nesta, Arts Council England and the AHRC. This collaborative research project explored how digital technology could be used to develop participation and engagement with the arts for a wider audience.
In November 2020 I was invited to join a Special Interest Research Group for Emerging Minds, part of the Cross-Disciplinary Mental Health Network Plus initiative funded by the UKRI. The Social Photography Research Group will investigate the impact of social media photography on young peoples’ mental health. https://emergingminds.org.uk/special-interest-research-groups/
I am the Research Coordinator for the School of Arts and Media at University of Chester and convene the Chester Centre for Research in Arts and Media (CCRAM) as part of this role.
My main focus is facilitating regular networking events for colleagues in Music, Performing Arts, Media and Art and Design disciplines and providing development opportunities for early career, emerging and new researchers in the School.
I am on the Editorial Board of the academic journal MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, established in 2018. MAI is a peer reviewed, open access publication for feminist scholars, writers, artists and activists who address visual culture at large. The journal is supported by University of Gothenburg, Sweden and is registered in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. https://maifeminism.com/
Dr Tracy Piper-Wright
Deputy Head of Art & Design; Senior Lecturer Photography